Monday, September 20, 2010


Strategies : Apple cut trace and mud, dry skin, add some milk or vegetable oil, oily skin, add some egg white , you can direct surface covered; fan ketchup facial mask, just fan crushed tomato juice, adding a little honey, then add flour into a paste can be surface covered. is ideal for dry skin olive oil mask will olive oil heated to lukewarm, moncler add a small amount of honey, a piece of soft gauze after removing immersion oil can surface covered. Strategies : The potato is rich in vitamins, can promote the growth of skin cells, keeping your skin, bleaching subcutaneous melanoma, not only can whiten the skin, and can diminish the summer sunburn. Wash and peel potatoes and cut into pieces in the juice into the juice extractors, one-third of the container into the cup of fresh milk, and moncler jackets mix into flour, made into a paste, can be used as a mask.
Fuyu face, minutes after the wash. , dry skin, dry Strategies : Victoria E by adding tablespoons of yogurt, half tablespoons of honey and lemon juice, mix well to reconcile. Next to this moncler sale recipe thick and smear on your face, and set a good minutes of treatment. time is up, flew Rinse with warm water. Strategies : When eating watermelon, melon juice, wiped his face with, or Peel and slice with a watermelon sticking outside for minutes, the entire summer can keep skin moist.

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